This is my first blog about my experiences! So bare with me as I make my way through. I know many of you have at least given getting a wax a thought, I know I have. To be honest I’ve thought about getting a wax years ago, you see it done in movies and trust me it doesn’t look fun. Which is exactly why I never tried to get it done until now!
First off! I did tons of research before going, which I am glad I did. A few of my boos in my book club Love My Way w/ Iesha Bree gave me a few tips. they we’re pros at this! in addition to the fact that I had asked the receptionist multiple questions!
If you live in Dallas, TX if you’re interested in giving waxing a try! I suggest trying out The Pretty Kitty at Mockingbird Station. The staff was amazing! and all around very comforting! Now down to my experience! I loved it! I can’t account for other people’s experience, but I felt little to no pain! it was basically little stings because obviously hair is being pulled from your body! But I want y'all to know this has now become one of my regular self care things! Im a brand new woman😉
Some of the tips I was given was to exfoliate at least 48 hours before your appointment, and to take a pain medication at least 3 hours prior! personally I didn’t take the meds! because my pain Tolerance is high. I enjoyed writing about this! Maybe next week I’ll tell you guys about my boxing classes! but stay tuned for next week!!
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